Wednesday, July 18, 2012

VIRAL: YouTube Now Offers Face Blurring

Viral is the place to hear about everything YouTube.  Brand new hit videos, amazing YouTubers, and the best channels will all be discussed here.

Today YouTube launched a new face-blurring enhancement to potentially save lives of many.

This new addition is the first of it's kind, and it's going to be revolutionary for world news all across the internet. 

Information is instant, and now the world of news can finally be shown with complete safety on the Tubes with this new 1 click fix. You basically hit the button, it shows you a side by side with the original video and the blurred video, and then you decide to save it. There is also an option for when you save it, the original gets deleted immediately.

This is great for broadcasting to the world protests, and big world events going on without the danger of some of the faces being seen and tracked down. The people protesting all over the world now shouldn't feel so much in hiding anymore. The internet already had their backs, but now they don't have to have their faces. 

This function will make the word of revolution be spread, without having to have editors expertise to spread that word. It will let anyone be able to share more of the world instantly, and safely.

Obviously it is not perfect though so some angles may show a face here and there, but it is still a huge step in creating a safe, anonymous, and shared world.

If you would like to read YouTube's full blog post on the subject click here to do so.

-Rachael The Ginger

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