Monday, July 30, 2012

VIRAL: Bob Ross Re-Mixed!?

VIRAL is the place to hear about everything Youtube. Brand new hit videos, amazing Youtubers, and the best channels will all be discussed here. 
You all know the peaceful, PBS artist the second you see him. From happy little trees, to happy little clouds, you love everyday you can paint. He believes in you. And apparently, a lot of people believe in him considering someone had to the dedication to remix his show, and put it on the internet. 

And almost 2 million people as of right now had the dedication to watch it. Watch him believe in you. Yes, you. His beautiful Afro inspired many and now you can relive all those times you tried to paint with this amazing re-mix. 

It was uploaded to the internet on July 26th by the PBS Digital Studios channel.  I know I'm not the only one who loves happy little clouds. 

-Rachael The Ginger

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