Saturday, August 25, 2012

Game Grenade: HexGL

Game Grenade is where you can hear about everything game related: reviews, tutorials, news, fan-fiction, and just plain fun. Here we'll be covering today's best sellers as well as decade old classics.

A new game has emerged from the sea of Reddit and it's called: HexGL. This innovative racing game uses a 3D platform in a really awesome way.

It's so simple, yet it's managed to stand the test of time. The racing game! HexGL is simply that, and nothing more.

It's in bata right now so you shouldn't be expecting much out of it...yet. It's still a really fun and addicting though.

I think we should expect to see a lot of of it though. It looks very promising to me and I suggest you start playing immediately!

Click here to go to the website.

-Rachael The Ginger

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